The Final Push…


I’m buried deep within my personal writing cave, hoping to finish up my first draft within the next few days!

The holidays have been awesome, but have also been a huge distraction. The past few weeks have seen fewer writing days than normal, which is a bit frustrating because I’m so close to being done!

So, in an effort to finish, I’m shutting myself away in the cave. The cave DOES NOT come equipped with Cable, Wi-Fi, or streaming Netflix…so distractions should drastically decrease. I may pop my head out every now and then to catch my breath, but 90% of the time I shall be buried deep!

(I’m so dramatic)

I won’t be caving it for long, because I’m oh, so close to being done!






This is what my writing cave looks like in my dreams. Check out that vision board wall! Pinterest who?!


About Poppy

Having been an avid reader since the womb, Poppy is finally sitting down to write that book she's always talked about writing.
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8 Responses to The Final Push…

  1. Cheryl says:

    Awesome! I thought about writing in the garage but it’s too cold out there!

  2. Write girl write! Happy holidays! Happy writing!

  3. yhosby says:

    Happy writing! And there’s nothing wrong with being dramatic LOL.

    Keep smiling,

  4. Ah netflicks, so bleedin’ distracting. I tend to think a lot of my new years resolutions will be writing based, mainly sticking to one writing project and getting it done instead of bunny hopping from one to the next and leaving half of them incomplete.

    • Poppy says:

      Netflix and my new love of Korean dramas had done me in! It’s so tempting to jump into something new. While I’ve been writing this draft, I’ve gotten several new ideas that I’m super excited about. I have to keep telling myself to focus! Good luck with you New Year’s resolutions!

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